Settlement negotiations are generally subject to the 'without prejudice' rule. This means that evidence of genuine attempts to settle an existing dispute cannot be disclosed in tribunal or court proceedings.
The Law Society states that ‘artificial intelligence’ (AI) involves computer systems which can replicate human cognitive functions, and that it includes algorithms detecting patterns in data, as well as applying these to automate certain tasks.
Couples who famously work together are broadly welcomed by most. However, it can be a logistical headache for employers, especially when it comes to the HR and legal implications if the relationship breaks down.
As we enter the week of Valentine’s Day, it is important to recognise the significance of data security, particularly where we have seen the number of cybersecurity breaches increase over the last few months.
Love at work is such a tricky affair, It can bring much joy but you must take legal care.
This year, thousands of couples have to spend Valentine’s day alone, due to the UK’s strict Immigration rules.
This week (6-12 February 2023) is National Apprenticeships Week! This year’s theme is 'Skills for Life', which is reflecting on how apprenticeships can help individuals to develop the skills and knowledge required for a rewarding career and for organisations to develop a talented workforce that is equipped with skills for the future.
Receptionist fired due to suspected testifying against his employer in sexual harassment case was unfairly dismissed, tribunal rules.
In Personnel Today, Melanie Pimenta, Senior Solicitor at Clarkslegal, discusses ‘positive action’ and what it means for employers.
The UK Government has recently rejected calls for the menopause to be made a 'protected characteristic' and for a large-scale pilot of menopause leave.