TUPE Podcast Series: What Transfers

Published on: 27/06/2024


In this sixth podcast in our TUPE Podcast Series, Amanda Glover will delve into the automatic transfer principle and what transfers to the incoming employer under TUPE.

In the episode, Amanda will explore:

  • What rights and liabilities relating to the individuals transfer under TUPE
    • Contractual rights
    • Non-contractual and discretionary rights and benefits
    • Acts and omissions before the transfer
    • Statutory rights
    • Tortious and civil liabilities
    • Trade union recognition, collective rights and liabilities
    • TUPE pension rights and liabilities

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If you have any questions in relation to TUPE, please contact our employment lawyers for advice.


This information is for guidance purposes only and should not be regarded as a substitute for taking professional and legal advice. Please refer to the full General Notices on our website.