TUPE Podcast Series: Service Provision Changes – Organised grouping and principal purpose

Published on: 27/07/2023


This is the third podcast in our TUPE Podcast Series. The first podcast When Does TUPE Apply? – Relevant Transfers, we discussed the two types of transfer under TUPE, a Business Transfer and a Service Provision change. In our second podcast Service Provision Changes – Same Client and Fundamentally the Same Activities, we reviewed two of the key requirements for a Service Provision Change, namely the requirement for the client to remain the same pre and post transfer and for activities to remain fundamentally the same.

In this third podcast, Amanda Glover will focus on another key element of a service provision change. This is the requirement that immediately before the service provision change, there must be an organised grouping of employees situated in Great Britain, which has as its principal purpose, the carrying out of the activities concerned on behalf of the client.

If you have any questions in relation to TUPE, please contact our employment lawyers for advice.

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TUPE Podcast Series

TUPE can be a very complicated area of law to navigate and so we have designed a series of short podcasts to give you a really good overview of the basics.

  1. When Does TUPE Apply? - Relevant Transfers
  2. Service Provision Changes - Same Client and Fundamentally the Same Activities
  3. TUPE Podcast Series: Service Provision Changes - Organised grouping and principal purpose
  4. TUPE Podcast Series: Service Provision Changes - Single specific events or tasks of short duration
  5. TUPE Podcast Series: Who Transfers?
  6. TUPE Podcast Series: What Transfers?
  7. TUPE Podcast Series: Changing Terms and Conditions
  8. TUPE Podcast Series: Unfair Dismissal and TUPE


This information is for guidance purposes only and should not be regarded as a substitute for taking professional and legal advice. Please refer to the full General Notices on our website.